Friday, September 4, 2009

A Whole New World

At 37 weeks, "d-day" is truly right around the corner! I've been busy this week getting things ready, and I must say, I feel like I'm entering a whole new world. I've mainly been working in her room trying to get things in order n ow that we finally have our dresser/changer (it's a long story why we didn't have that nearly a month ago...I order it online, and it took 3 deliveries to get it right!). I love the furniture, though, so it was worth the wait I suppose. Here's a peak at it...obviously the organization is still a work in progress! Also, here is the diaper cake a friend gave me just this week - how cute!

My handy-man getting it put together the other night:

I threw a quick picture of the crib on here the other night, but I can't help but put up a few more. I am just in love with this bedding my Grandma made - it's so pretty! If nothing else gets finished, baby J will certainly have a beautiful place to sleep when she comes home :-)

I also got the Moses Basket set up in our room since she'll actually be sleeping there for the first little while. I think it gives us both a good reality check to see this first thing when we wake up and right before we crawl into bed. Sleep is going to have a whole new meaning very shortly!

Yesterday I did a bunch of baby laundry, and I have to admit - I kind of enjoyed it! I'm sure this will be one of very few times I'll say that about laundry, but folding all of those tiny little clothes for the first time really was kind of fun. I can't wait to have my baby girl here to snuggle in these sweet little blankets and onesies! But to be honest, the sight of baby clothes all over my bed was a little foreign...I suppose I better get used to this!

We also installed the carseat last night, so I am reminded anywhere I go that soon there will be a squirming baby girl riding along very soon! I didn't get a picture...but you can use your imagination I'm sure :)

So I suppose I have finally reached that "nesting" stage...although, I wish this hit bout 2 months earlier when I had a lot more energy! Hopefully I still have a bit more time to finish things up. At my now weekly check-up on Wednesday, my doctor said the baby had dropped, but I haven't started to dilate. I'm good with that for now...a couple more weeks (at least) should give me the time I need to really finish getting things in order. What am I forgetting?? Feel free to pass on any tips for this "any day" stage - I welcome your advice (as opposed to the strangers who stop me in the grocery store)!

37 weeks


Mama Mote said...

Grocery store advice? Don't you just love it? Make sure you get time with Dan before the day of birth and continue getting time with him AFTER birth. Looking forward to seeing the new baby girl. Love you guys. Hug Dan for me.

kelseylynae said...

I can't wait!!!

I've already told everyone at work I'm outta there when you call. And talked to the lady I normally have sub for me. We're good to go on my end :)

I need to start your canvas now!

Jackie S said...

Congrats Kali! You look so cute! I know you are getting excited. I didn't realize you blogged or else I would have started following you sooner!