Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Travel tips, anyone?

We're leaving tomorrow for a rather long trek back to Missouri for Christmas. I'm SO excited to be home, but a little anxious about the typically 11+ hour car ride...and not sure exactly how far that 11 hours will be stretched with a 12 week old. We're planning to stop at least twice for an extended break to allow for feedings and some time to stretch, as well as other short stops for diaper changes, etc. I'm also hoping to pump and just give her a bottle at some point without having to stop. But it's really all guess work at this point.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm guessing/hoping she'll sleep a lot of the time, but I'll also WANT to keep her awake at some points so she's not up all night once we do make it home. Any ideas on how to keep a sleepy baby awake in a warm, comfy seat while on the road (heck, I don't think I could keep myself awake under the same circumstances).

Just thought I'd throw the question out there to my faithful blog friends. You all have helped me so many times...what would I ever do without you?

1 comment:

Megan said...

I would take frequent breaks just to get her out and give her bottom a rest. Remember she is sitting in the same position with pressure on the same spot for hours and this will cause a bedsore type thing. Abby got a bad one on a road trip one time and it BROKE my heart and I felt soooo guilty. So now we stop ALOT. Just on a trip to or from Nashville we would stop once. And I would not worry too much about her sleeping....she will still be tired at night because car trips wear kids out anyway (or mine at least) Hope this helps. Love you all and have fun!!