Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trying this out

I've been taking some video of Caroline with the intenions of sharing them on the blog, but I've not been able to figure out the process (nor have I taken the time actually). My friend Jenny shared some very helpful tips (thanks Jenny!), so let's see if this works! I realize it's a bit long and boring for those of you who aren't family...just a fair warning :)


Lauri said...

Kali - that is almost cruel!!! I so badly wanted to hop in the car and drive down from NJ for some serious cuddle time with Caroline. She is so cute the video is pure torture! Squeeze her for the Causeys!


Regan said...

Absolutely beautiful! I don't think that Dave is ready for the baby fever that things like this might cause for me! :)

Barb said...

Not long or boring. Made my day.

Unknown said...

She is the prettiest!