Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Day...Another Appointment

It feels like I'm spending an awful lot of time in the Doctor's office these days. It's been every two weeks for about the past month, and I'll get to jump up to every week after my next appointment. Today was my 34-week did I get here?! It seems like I was just there with butterflies (and a teeny-tiny embryo) in my stomach for my first appointment at 8 weeks:

And somehow months have whizzed by and this happened:
33 weeks (1 week ago)

I've been receiving weekly e-mail updates from a website called BabyCenter (I highly recommend it for any of you mothers or soon-to-be moms out there!), and part of this always includes a size comparison of my growing baby and some sort of produce. For example, here was the 8 week comparison (the quarter is just for a point of reference):

And 34 weeks:

And yes, I do feel like I'm carrying something the size of a melon around in my mid-section! I absolutely cannot WAIT to sleep on my stomach again.

Anyway, the appointment went well, the baby is measuring just right, her heart beat is strong, and she is already head-down. Now we just have to hope she stays that way for the next couple of weeks while she still has room to turn! Only about 6 more weeks to go (give or take of course) before we get to meet this baby girl...I can't hardly believe it.


Mama Mote said...

I feel like I'm waiting for grandkids as I wait for you and my daughter's friend to have their children in the next few weeks. Hope things continue to stay well and you stay healthy, too. Can't wait to meet her either. Hugs to you and Dan.

Anonymous said...

I remember how good it felt to sleep on my stomach the night you were born! But you were worth the trouble.

Love you. ~Mom