Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why I Stay Home

I had a good conversation the other day with a friend of mine who is expecting her first and planning to make the switch from working full time to being a stay-at-home mom. She shared with me some of her [very legitimate] concerns, from the loss of a second income to living up to the pressures often felt from other moms who seem to have it more together than we do. It is truly a completely different world than the working world that most of society lives in from 8 to 5 (or whatever combination of hours happen to pull them to the office), and I truly admire moms (and dads) that find a way to juggle both. I honestly don't know how you do it!

But this conversation was a fresh reminder for me of why Dan and I made the decision for me to stay home, and why I am thankful daily for the opportunity. Sometimes the mundane tasks and chores that are done and re-done day-in and day-out can cloud up the simple, and yet precious moments that I also have each and every day with Caroline. Often times I thank God for the simple blessings, like when I put Caroline back down for her morning nap (usually around 8:30 or 9:00 already) with both of us often still in our jammies. There has been no need to rush, and I relish the slow mornings that allow us to just enjoy one another.

Yesterday I stepped outside for a few minutes just before lunch time and realized that the weather was suddenly and surprisingly cool! So I grabbed a blanket, heated up some leftovers, and Caroline and I had an impromptu picnic on our tiny piece of grass out back. She had an absolute ball! She spent most of the time standing up next to me, leaning on my shoulder, and a couple of times she even leaned in for a snuggle or a kiss which totally and completely melted this mommy's heart. In between bites, she eagerly looked around, taking it all in. Several times a breeze gently pushed at her sweet little face and I watched her eyes get bigger and a smile spread across her face as she let out squeals and giggles. A breeze is something that has been sorely lacking here in the suffocating heat and humidity of middle Tennessee since maybe April...apparently this was a new phenomenon for her :)

The rain moved in soon, so I quickly gathered our things and headed back in. But the fresh air was just so wonderful that we moved to the front porch instead where we could be dry but watch the storm pass at the same time. Caroline sat very still and very quietly on my lap for some time, something my squirmy 11-mo-old is not prone to do at all these days. I just sat back in my rocking chair and enjoyed the moment, quietly giving thanks to God for the opportunity to just sit and hold my growing baby and watch her take in the great big world around her.

The moment passed quickly, as they always do, and before long we were back inside doing our normal thing. There was more laundry and ironing, dishes and cooking, tears and dirty diapers, just like there were the day before and just like there will be again today. But if I had missed a few extra dirty diapers yesterday, I also would have missed a picnic and a nice long rock on the front porch. I wouldn't have seen her face light up in the breeze or her serious expression as she tried to understand the passing storm. I wouldn't have seen her learning to play by herself with my tupperware and a few mismatched blocks, like in this video from yesterday morning.

Everyone tells you, "they grow up so fast!" I believe everyone. This year has absolutely flown by! I realize that no matter how hard I try, I'll never be able to stop time. But today I am grateful for the few extra minutes I am blessed with as a "stay-at-home mom," and for the simple opportunities that those minutes afford me. I may not get much in the form of a paycheck, but I feel like I have the best job in the world!


Aunt Linda said...

Ooo - that video is so sweet! I can't wait to see you all again at the end of the month!

Sharon said...

Oh Kali, you are so wise to cherish the moments! I remember just yesterday a little bald headed baby with a cool whip container on her head sitting in my kitchen. You are blessed.

annie said...

I am so glad that you get to stay home with Caroline! It is such a blessing. Wouldnt it be great if we could spend some of our days at home together???

kelseylynae said...

my question: can i stay home and enjoy it if i don't have a kid? would society view me differently? what if i sat on my kitchen floor and played with tupperware during the day, would that make it better?

:) she's awesome.