Saturday, March 19, 2011

5 Years

Dan & I celebrated 5 incredible years together yesterday.  I still can't wrap my head around that - 5 years seems like a long time.  But I guess a lot has transpired in the course of 5 years, considering where we were when we got started.  I still had about a month & a half left of college, Dan was working construction, and we were given the opportunity to live in a cute little "cottage" on our college campus for the time being, given that I still had RA duties to fulfill.  Since then, we have moved hundreds of miles away to an unseen 450 sq. ft apartment in TN, Dan started & completed PA school plus rotations, we found a church we loved and got plugged in, I found and worked a job I loved in the Christian music business for nearly 3 years, Dan found a great job in dermatology, we moved to a lovely town home (MUCH larger than our first place), we got pregnant, Dan found another job and I lost mine, we had a baby, settled into our role as parents, continued leading our small group with church, got pregnant again, and decided to buy a home.  WOW.  When you look at it that way, I guess you can pack a lot into 5 short years!!!

As I've mentioned before on this little blog of mine, I've got a pretty incredible man.  There's no one else in this big wide world I would want to be with on this big adventure called life.  I'm so thankful for the blessings - and challenges - God has seen us through in these first 5 years of our lives together, and I pray that He will see us through many more together for many more years to come. 

Happy Anniversary Dan!  I love you with all that I am.

1 comment:

DPJ said...

Love you too Kal! Been a great 5 years...couldn't ask for better.