When I got her up this morning only to discover another mess, I officially declared today a PJ Day for the both of us. So I handed her off to daddy in the shower, changed the bedding (again), started yet another load of laundry, and then we both changed into fresh pj's. One of the many blessings of being a stay-at-home mom, right?
I've learned several things in the last 36 hours that I thought I'd share:
1) There really is nothing worse than seeing your child sick.
2) I can do more loads of laundry in 1 day than I thought.
3) No matter how old I get, I still need my mother more than I think I do. I already knew this, but it was reinforced as I have called her numerous times for simple questions like - how do you get stains/smells out of the couch? Is Mr. Man washable (a sock doll that belonged to me as a girl - turns out, he is!)? What do I do now? Can you please come clean this up for me (just kidding - but I thought about asking)?
4) Sick babies are much more cuddly.
5) You'll always feel better after you call the doctor, so just do it.
6) Sick babies also sleep a lot, which helps with #2.
7) Daddy can't get home soon enough on sick days! (at least from my perspective...)
I'm sure I could add to that list...but Caroline just woke up. I'll leave you with some pictures of my sweet girl in her comfy pj's. (I'll spare you pictures of me - I'm not nearly so cute in mine.) As you can see, she's still in pretty good spirits despite the circumstances!
I can tell that her little eyes look "sick" - not as bright and shiny as usual. Here's hoping that each minute brings her closer back to her usual sweet self.
PS I'm kinda glad you still need your mom once in awhile.
Wish I could help out and just read a little book and rock her for a while. Or ... do the laundry!
I am sure momma was still beautiful with compassion and love in her eyes even when she was covered in vomit! Miss you and see you and that sweet girl soon. You are an AWESOME mommy!
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