Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Just Not Sure

I'm just not sure what to think today. I'm not sure what to feel. I am disappointed, confused, a bit fearful...I'm a whole modge-podge of emotions, really. I share many of Jenny's sentiments that she shared this morning. I know that God is the same today as He was yesterday and that His hand was in this election just as much as it was in the past election that went the way I wanted it to go, but the fleshy part of me has a hard time accepting that as comfort (if I'm really honest).

I was, however, both convicted & comforted as I read Beth Moore's blog this morning. My Mom also encouraged me in this way, reminding me of how much hate has been spewed towards Bush by those like the Hollywood elite. I do not want to spend the next 4 years harboring bitterness towards a man that I believe I am called to respect. For the past 8 years, republicans have grown weary of liberals who refuse to "reach across the aisle" and play in the sandbox with the rest of us. Now it's our turn to act like adults and do our part to continue making this great nation even greater by learning to work together and rising above the example that has been set for us. More importantly, as Christians we are called to both love our neighbors (even if they voted for the other ticket) and submit to the authority God sets up - and I'm pretty sure that includes our president.

Also, there was a victory last night for conservative Christians - Proposition 8 in California passed! Praise the Lord there are still plenty of people (even in the liberal state of Cali) who believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man & woman.

I have a lot of other thoughts running through my head right now, and I have a feeling it will take awhile to sort them all out. But for now, I'll leave you with a quote my Dad sent me today as well as a verse to chew on. How grateful I am that I am first and foremost a citizen of an ETERNAL Kingdom and the daughter of a King who will reign with justice & righteousness forever!

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear and do not dread it. The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, and he will be a sanctuary." ~Isaiah 8:12-14a

"We should never despair, our Situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new Exertions and proportion our Efforts to the exigency of the times." ~George Washington


AmyBethJames said...

I've been comforted in these days by Romans 13, esp. verse 1:

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, FOR THERE IS NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT THAT WHICH GOD HAS ESTABLISHED. The authroities that exist have been established by God.

It is hard to understand how that is possible - after all there are certainly bad, even evil governments and rulers and others in authority around the world. In a way we could liken it to children who are born to bad or evil parents - or, for that matter, children who become Christians with parents who are good people but not believers. Yet those children are still bound by God's command to honor their mothers and fathers - and even to respect and obey them, although not above honoring God of course.

In the same way, we all in Christ are bound to the government and president that God has appointed for us at this time.

I've also been thinking on Hebrews 13:17 - Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account.

This verse is talking more about spiritual leaders, but I think it is important to remember that every leader - Barack Obama included - will someday give an account to God for his actions on this earth. There is comfort in that too!

And we should not despair - one man alone will not change our country into a socialist state, or legalize all and any forms of abortion, or deconstruct our military powers abroad, any more than our current president alone was reponsible for the messiness of the war in Iraq or the bottom falling out of the economy. Praise be to God that our democracy provides at least some balance of power and that many people have to agree to make things change. I'm sure we'd all be resting a little easier if the Senate and House weren't also controlled by the Dems, but then again, now their party is without excuse in enacting change and they bear the onus of stretching out the hand of bipartisanship.

And while certain Christian hot-buttons like abortion, civil unions, and so on, seem precariously placed in Obama's hands, we might hope that other parts of his policies could benefit those we are commanded to care for most - the poor, the widowed, the orphaned and oppressed. I wouldn't be quick to support universal health care, but surely there is something right about seeking to provide health benefits for poor children who might otherwise suffer needlessly, and increasing government funding to organizations who help provide such programs.

I love what you said your mom said and think it is so true. What a witness it would be if Christians could unite together to pray for and show respect to Obama! What a beautiful message of our Christian hope and faith in God's sovreignty to show that we can stand firm in our beliefs and morals and at the same time abundantly love and serve those we disagree with. That is the kind of thing I want to get behind. :)

PS. I read some of your friend Jenny's blog and you neglected to mention that she is also a TWILIGHT READER! Clearly it is inevitable that you will one day join us. Despite your initial doubts and fears, when that day comes we will accept you with open arms. Wink! ;)

PSS. Longest blog comment ever? Answer: yes.

Micah Hilton said...

I am having a hard time respecting him as well. thanks for the reminder and challenge