Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm tired tonight, but I'm also home by myself and have inherited the trait from my mother where I will stay up until I can no longer see straight so that I might fall into bed so completely exhausted that I won't have a moment to worry about falling asleep. Tonight I took some NyQuil, so hopefully that moment will come sooner that usual.

My thoughts are sort of a jumble right now, but I really want to get in the habit of posting fairly regularly, so here I am. It's been a long day at work...actually, it's been a long week at work, with an event coming up on Monday. That tends to mean that the hours fill up far more quickly than normal, so I have less time and more to do. And sometimes I find myself staring at my computer screening just trying to collect my thoughts long enough to get a decent "To Do" list created so I don't miss any of the important details. By the time I'm able to get a couple crossed off, I've added 4 more, and so it goes. But the best part about working in event planning is that once the event is over, I get to cross everything off (even the things that didn't get done) and start over!

In all of this though, I find myself often becoming overwhelmed by the details of work - and of life - and missing the big picture in the process. I get worried about a seating chart and forget that an incredible musician is going to be honored for a lifetime of of allowing God to use them. Likewise, I get worried about getting my apartment picked up and the laundry done and forget about the whole reason why I'm having guests over anyway - to be the hands and feet of Christ. I've been doing a Bible study right now that's been just incredible, and in it I've been reminded a lot lately that peace & joy come from abiding in Christ AND allowing Christ to abide in me. There is so much rest in that! And so I am learning that whether I am overwhelmed by the details of an event, or just the details of life, if I can truly learn to abide in Christ, my perspective begins to change. When I allow God's Word to abide in me, by thoughts and my words change - "For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45). Oh, how I long to have God's Word abide in me do deeply that my thoughts and my words become like His own!

I think that's about all for tonight - the NyQuil is starting to work its magic. Thanks for wrestling through these thoughts with me. Maybe I'll write a fun story like my dear sister sometime soon (you should check her blog out at Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

kelseylynae said...

kali...write more. you are good at it.

it's almost friday. carl vandermuelen is making cider, barb turnwall is still winded from walking up the steps in grandberg, and fynaardt is still in a completely different world then all of us.

brent comes tomorrow.
love you.