Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dancing with Daddy

I don't have much time to write at the moment, but you really don't need to hear much from me with this video.  It was obviously taken before Dan's surgery, so it's a few weeks old -- but I don't think you'll mind too much.


kelseylynae said...

Here are my thoughts:
1) She is ALMOST breakdancing at the end, which is pretty impressive.
2) At some point now the conversation will have to be had that table dancing is only something you can do when you're two years old.
3) If she keeps up with those moves, and your coordination, she too will have to have shoulder surgery before long!

Love you all! Can't wait to see you next month :)

Anonymous said...

You realize she may have trouble getting into some Baptist universities now?! ~Papa

jenny said...

She is just too darling. LOVE her.

Megan said...

Love it!! And your dad is right LOL. She is growing so fast. I showed this to Abby and she wants to come dance with her :)