Friday, December 3, 2010


Since I skipped Day 6, here it is - a photo that makes you laugh:

Not hard to explain why this makes me laugh - it's pretty ridiculous. But it also makes me laugh to remember so many fun times growing up with my sister. It really didn't take much to entertain us most of the time, thanks largely in part to my parents requiring us to go outside and just play. Also thanks largely in part to my sister & father's crazy imaginations. Kelsey always accused me of having no imagination (I preferred to play with my chemistry set, while she was outside playing follow the leader by herself - there was probably some truth to the accusations), so I relied on them for our games of make-believe. But if carving pumpkins didn't take much creativity, it did take some thought to try and make the same face as the one we had carved. I think I came pretty close, don't you?

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh, the memories. That's how I remember the two of you when I'd come for a visit during college. :)