Monday, March 1, 2010

Praying for Katrina

While I usually like to keep things light on this little blog of mine, that's difficult to do when my heart is so heavy. This past week a dear friend of mine from college, Katrina, was diagnosed with acute leukemia after only a few weeks of some painful symptoms. She found out on Tuesday, and by Friday had already started chemo therapy. She essentially went from being a normal 26-year-old to a cancer patient in a matter of weeks. If I'm reeling from that, I can't even begin to imagine how she feels, or how her husband feels, or her family. It's really pretty mind-blowing.

It's at times like these that my faith is truly rocked. The question that haunts all of us - WHY? WHY does a GOOD GOD let bad things happen to good people? - is violently stirred up once again, and I'm left without answers. I'm not sure there are answers that can satisfy us this side of heaven, because that would require knowing and understanding the mind of God. And if I could understand the mind of God, then He wouldn't be a God worth serving - He wouldn't be my God, my ROCK that I cling to in times of trouble.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
~Isaiah 55:8-9

I write this simply to ask you prayer warriors out there to add my friend Katrina to your lists. Doctors are very hopeful that they have caught this very early and that it is quite treatable, but because this type of leukemia is quite aggressive, the treatments will have to be as well. So pray that her body can withstand the chemo so that she can ultimately overcome this.

Her husband has set up a blog to keep everyone updated on her progress, so if you're interested you can follow it here:


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for being such a loving friend to my sister! We appreciate everyone who has taken the time to let her know that they are praying and that they care about her. If you want to add a button to your blog that says "praying for Katrina" and will take people to her blog if they click on it I can send you the link. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. I did not know yet and have started to follow their blog and pray.

Unknown said...

Wow, Kali! Thanks for the info. I will totally be praying for Katrina!

Helmus said...

Thanks Kali for sharing this information! I had lost Katrina's email address, so I'm glad to have found out through you. I will definitely be praying for our old roomie...

Kali said...

Hey Erica - don't know if you'll see this comment, but I'm not sure how to contact you. I found the coding and was able to add the button - thanks for telling me about that!

Sharon said...
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Amanda said...

Kali, I'll definitely be praying!

PS - it's been awhile since I've popped out of my google reader, our blogs are "twins"! :)