Friday, August 21, 2009

35 Weeks & a couple new developments

**Wow - thanks for all the responses on my hair dilemma! It really helped me think through it, and I think I'm going to go with the suggestions to keep it long, and then I'll have something to look forward to by cutting it off when I need a change a bit later. I should ask for your advice more often :)

I can't believe I have less than 5 weeks to go until my due date! I've had plenty of people say to me, "You must be SO ready to have that baby!" and while this is partially true, I don't know that I'm quite at that point yet. I still have things I'd like to get done before she makes her debut (like finish the nursery). I'd still like to have a little more time with just Dan before we wander into the great unknown of parenthood. And...I'm not SO pregnant yet that I'm not still freaked out about labor! Do you ever get there, really? I know I'll be able to do what needs to be done when the time comes, but for now...I'm okay with that time being a few weeks away yet.

I might be regretting this post in another couple of weeks, huh?

Anyway, a couple of pictures at 35 weeks:

Whatcha doing in there baby girl?

There she is folks - oh my.

In other news, the last couple of weeks have produced a few new developments that I thought might be blog worthy. First, there's the fact that it's about 500 degrees outside right now PLUS the humidity. I've been very lucky to have a pretty mild Tennessee summer, and coupled with the fact that I'm typically always cold, I think I've just been at a normal person's temperature for most of my pregnancy. But the last couple of weeks - wow. This little furnace I carry around has made the heat and humidity feel hotter than ever. My Grandma just reminded me yesterday that she had an August baby...before air conditioning. Bless you Grandma. You are a stronger woman than I!

Along with the heat has come some swelling and the dreaded cankles. Aren't they lovely?

Maybe if I just scoot forward a bit, he'll want to give me a foot rub...

No luck.

Also, I've somehow managed to develop carpal tunnel. Apparently it is fairly common in pregnancy (I missed that one in my books) and is due to the swelling, not repetitive motions. I'm told it will go away after I deliver, so I can manage for a few weeks. Here's my pretty new brace:
Oh the joys of pregnancy :-) Strange how your whole body seems to simply revolt at times! All in all though, I'm very thankful to have had a rather uncomplicated pregnancy to this point. Here's praying the next few weeks don't bring too many big surprises!


Anonymous said...

Carpal tunnel & pregnancy? Never heard of that one! Swollen feet and ankles - gee, then I must be pregnant! You're looking good, Kali ... almost there!!
Love you,
Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

I had carpal tunnel, too! You're the only other person I've heard of...must be hereditary. I'm not a freak after all!!!

Mama Mote said...

You look great, Kali. And you'll do fine when the time will Dan. Waiting and praying.

Anonymous said...

Enough of the bare belly pictures!

Carrie Mathison said...

Little Mel (Hamburger) mentioned the carpal tunel last time i saw her. She has it with her pregnancy also. She stated that it was hereditary because her mother and many other women in her family have had it also. Congrats!
Let me know also if you have any answers to the questions i left you on a facebook message. Cassie needs to know before the end of the month to get that price! Thanks so much!