Friday, November 16, 2007


I just wanted to get another post up here today, though I don't have many profound thoughts right now. My primary thought is that it's Friday, and I'm glad it's Friday. It's been a busy week! I got back from MN on Sunday night, caught up on a few things Monday night, Tuesday I spend time with a friend who is moving away, Wednesday we delivered Thanksgiving baskets to a couple of refugee families (that was great - I should really blog about that later), and last night I had Bible Study. All great things, but Monday night was the only night I was home before 9:30...and that was the earliest! I'm ready for the weekend.

Dan's new rotation is going okay, it just is keeping him really busy. 2 days a week he works 7am-3pm, and the other 2 days he works 3pm-9pm. Initially I didn't think this would be that many hours, but add on the 30 min. drive (one way), and the days are a little longer than I anticipated. I'm glad he's here, though...after Christmas his rotation will take him to Sneedville, TN, which is about 4 hours from here. I realize it's just 6 weeks, but I can't say I'm really looking forward to the time apart. I kinda like having the guy around!

Today has been good, though. It was the birthday of one of my coworkers, so in honor of her and of the quickly approaching holiday, we had a Birthday/Thanksgiving feast at our office! It was great fun to prepare a table complete with fall decor and yummy Thanksgiving favorites, and then share it with my coworkers. Which reminds me - I am very thankful for my job and for my wonderful friends I have made here at GMA. The Lord truly does give good gifts to his children.

I want to leave you with a verse today I have posted beside my computer. It really has nothing to do with my post today, but it's always a good reminder to me:

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." ~Lamentations 2:22-24

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